© All Rights Reserved 2014
Video of BannerBuggy at
the Capital Steps,
Occupy Wall Street,
Washington Monument,
The White House
The BannerBuggy is law
enforcement approved in the
Nation's Capitol; you can't get
any stronger than that! So now
you know your local law
enforcement does not have just
cause to deny you your First
Amendment Rights for ANY
REASON when towing your
BannerBuggy or push/pulling
the JohnBoy-BannerBuggy in
the manner of a bicycle or baby
The First Amendment Machine© One Man,
Times 100, Times 1000, Times 1,000,000...
Yes YOU Can... Yes WE Must... !!
During the Occupy Wall Street gathering occupiers George Ripley and Fred Mauney known as THE PHOENIX had the only 2 messages to the world
allowed not only on the block but all around the block as the BannerBuggy’s are instantly moveable; that George and Fred showed up at Zuccotti Park
3 days after the New York City's police department’s infamous raid and passed muster. It took the NYPD by surprise! Once Fred was told to move his
BannerBuggy off the sidewalk Fred promptly moved off the sidewalk, as they are instantly moveable, and away from the curb into the street and
walked around the whole block in the street some 3 times and came back to the same spot he had been told to move from and put his John Boy right
back totally disarming the law!
The NYPD who were under the 1% politicians orders just smiled because they knew they had been bested by a class act 'THE PHOENIX ' in front
of a crowd of hundred's… The classic American Patriot. To find out more about Occupy Wall Street click “here.”