BannerBuggy in front of the White House and Capital stairs clearly demonstrates the use of interfering to
pedestrians BannerBuggy. Go anywhere you can ride your bicycle.
To find out more about The
Buggy Banner’s and how it
has been met with approved
from the Secret Service, the
Capitol Police, the U S Park
Service and the Washington
DC police please feel free to
fill out our contact form so that
we may begin to take our
county back!!
The BuggyBanner is
unobtrusively towed behind
your bicycle toting your highly
visbile messaging presenting
rolling billboard.
© All Rights Reserved 2014
The BannerBuggy – The First Amendment Machine©
Finally an authoritarian approved way to display your
protest message to the world at large and while keeping
your hands free to talk with other people.
You won’t be hindering pedestrians as you ride your bicycle with
your message in tow. The BannerBuggy (Phoenix Chariot) and the
JohnBoy-BannerBuggy is the brainchild of Fred Mauney – AKA
The PHOENIX of more than 15 years. The BannerBuggy is
instantly moveable without being too big to be moved, totally
disarming the law and still big enough to be read by the public
100's of feet away....now how about that!
This patent pending “First Amendment Machine©” is the first safe
and hassle free way of displaying you protest message at your
favorite rally or event. No longer do you need to have the numerous hands normally
associated to display your cumbersome banner (which is always sagging and
unreadable) because your hands are free to talk with other people. Whether you use
the BannerBuggy towed behind your bicycle or the pushed/pulled JohnBoy-
BannerBuggy, just purchase the kit, assemble, hang your banner and start getting
your message to your fellow citizens. Towing either the BannerBuggy or push/pulling
the JohnBoy-BannerBuggy both are essentially approved by not only the Secret
Service but by the DC Capitol Police, the U.S. Parks Service and the Washington DC
police departments as unrestricted First Amendment machines that assist you to
communicate with other people. {Your banner sets just high enough (8ft) so as to be
seen over the heads of other people and cars} See picture insert.
Secret Service, DC Capitol Police, APPROVE
Towing the BannerBuggy or push/pulling the JohnBoy-
BannerBuggy both are essentially approved by not only
the Secret Service but the DC Capitol Police, the U. S.
Parks Service and the Washington DC police
The BannerBuggy and the JohnBoy-BannerBuggy can display your
banner message at a public forum anytime, anywhere you can ride
a bicycle or push a stroller and thus your hands are free to speak
with other people or distribute handouts. Operating these unique
banner display machines in public are considered rolling carts
because the banner is just paint and is unrestricted by the First
Amendment. Our video taken in front of the White House and the
Capital stairs clearly demonstrates the use of the BannerBuggy /
JohnBoy-BannerBuggy are none interfering to pedestrians and able to go anywhere
you can ride your bicycle or push a baby stroller. See picture insert of Fred assisting
87 veteran Sam Winstead in his bicycle ride from Raleigh, NC to Washington, DC.
(What a photo-op it helps create!)
Anytime the authorities tell or want you to move it...all you do is say where and then
decide if you want to and if so in less than minutes your set up and back in business.
Occupy Wall Street occupiers George Ripley and Fred
Mauney had the only 2 messages to the world left on the
The BannerBuggy / JohnBoy-BannerBuggy are law enforcement
approved in the Nation's Capitol; you can't get any stronger than that!
So now you know your local law enforcement does not have just
cause to deny you your First Amendment Rights for ANY REASON
when towing your BannerBuggy or push/pulling the JohnBoy-
BannerBuggy in the manner of a bicycle or baby stroller.
During the Occupy Wall Street gathering occupiers George Ripley
and Fred Mauney known as THE PHOENIX had the only 2
messages to the world allowed not only on the block but all around
the block as the BannerBuggy’s are instantly moveable; that George
and Fred showed up at Zuccotti Park 3 days after the New York City's police
department’s infamous raid and passed muster. It took the NYPD by surprise! Once
Fred was told to move his BannerBuggy off the sidewalk Fred promptly moved off
the sidewalk, as they are instantly moveable, and away from the curb into the street
and walked around the whole block in the street some 3 times and came back to the
same spot he had been told to move from and put his John Boy right back totally
disarming the law!
The NYPD who were under the 1% politicians orders just smiled because they knew
they had been bested by a class act 'THE PHOENIX ' in front of a crowd of
hundred's… The classic American Patriot. To find out more about Occupy Wall Street
click “here.”
Click the CONTACT button and email us to find out how you can get your genuine
BannerBuggy or JohnBoy-Buggy, the First Amendment Machine for the rest of us…
the 99 %ers. Will NOT give your information to third parties what so ever. Your
privacy is very important to us and will NOT give your contact information to anyone
not involved with the BannerBuggy project or third parties.
The First Amendment Machine© One Man,
Times 100, Times 1000, Times 1,000,000...
Yes YOU Can... Yes WE Must... !!